Something in the Water: Contaminated Drinking Water and Infant Health
Currie, Janet Joshua Graff Zivin, Katherine Meckel, Matthew Neidell and Wolfram Schlenker, “Something in the Water: Contaminated Drinking Water and Infant Health,” Canadian Journal of Economics, 46(2013): 791-810.
The Effect of Absenteeism and Clinic Protocol on Health Outcomes: The Case of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya
Goldstein, M, J Graff Zivin, J Habyarimana, C Pop-Eleches, and H Thirumurthy, “The Effect of Absenteeism and Clinic Protocol on Health Outcomes: The Case of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya" American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 5(2013): 58–85.
The Impact of Pollution on Worker Productivity
Graff Zivin, J and M Neidell, “The Impact of Pollution on Worker Productivity” American Economic Review, 102(2012): 3652–3673.
Health and Labor Supply in the Context of HIV/AIDS: The Long-Run Economic Impacts on Antiretroviral Therapy
Thirumurthy, H and J Graff Zivin “Health and Labor Supply in the Context of HIV/AIDS: The Long-Run Economic Impacts on Antiretroviral Therapy” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 61(2012): 73-96.
Behavioral Responses of Patients in AIDS Treatment Programs: Sexual Behavior in Kenya
Thirumurthy, H, C Pop-Eleches, J Habyarimana, M Goldstein, and J Graff Zivin “Behavioral Responses of Patients in AIDS Treatment Programs: Sexual Behavior in Kenya" Forum for Health Economics and Policy, 15(2012): 1-29.
Water Quality Violations and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from Bottled Water Consumption
Graff Zivin, J, M Neidell, and W Schlenker, "Water Quality Violations and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from Bottled Water Consumption" American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 101(2011): 448-453.
Mobile Phone Technologies Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in Resource-Limited Settings: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Text Message Reminders
Pop-Eleches C, H Thirumurthy, J Habyarimana, J Graff Zivin, M Goldstein, D de Walque, L MacKeen, J Haberer, J Sidle, D Ngare, and D Bangsberg, “Mobile Phone Technologies Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in Resource-Limited Settings: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Text Message Reminders,” AIDS, 25(2011): 825-834.
The Household Impacts of Treating HIV/AIDS in Developing Countries
Goldstein M, J Graff Zivin and H Thirumurthy, “The Household Impacts of Treating HIV/AIDS in Developing Countries,” in Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2009: People, Politics, and Globalization, YL Justin, and B Pleskovic (Eds.), World Bank Publications, June 2010.
Treatment Uncertainty and Irreversibility in Medical Care: Implications for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Graff Zivin J, M Neidell, and L Feldman, “Treatment Uncertainty and Irreversibility in Medical Care: Implications for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,” in The Economics of New Health Technologies - Incentives, Organization and Financing, J Costa-Font, C Courbage, and A McGuire (Eds.), Oxford University Press, June 2009.
Days of Haze: Environmental Information Disclosure and Intertemporal Avoidance Behavior
Graff Zivin, J and M Neidell, “Days of Haze: Environmental Information Disclosure and Intertemporal Avoidance Behavior,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 58(2009): 119-128.
AIDS Treatment and Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Children’s Nutrition and Schooling in Kenya
Graff Zivin, J, H Thirumurthy, and M Goldstein, “AIDS Treatment and Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Children’s Nutrition and Schooling in Kenya,” Journal of Public Economics, 93(2009): 1008-1015.
ARV Treatment and Time Allocation to Household Tasks: Evidence from Kenya
d’Adda, G, M Goldstein, J Graff Zivin, M Nangami, and H Thirumurthy, “ARV Treatment and Time Allocation to Household Tasks: Evidence from Kenya,” African Development Review, 21(2009): 180-208.
Medical Technology Adoption, Uncertainty, and Irreversibilities: Is a Bird in the Hand Really Worth More than the Bush?
Graff Zivin, J and M Neidell, “Medical Technology Adoption, Uncertainty, and Irreversibilities: Is a Bird in the Hand Really Worth More than the Bush?” Health Economics, 19(2010): 142-153.
The Economic Impact of AIDS Treatment: Labor Supply in Western Kenya
Thirumurthy H, J Graff Zivin and M Goldstein, “The Economic Impact of AIDS Treatment: Labor Supply in Western Kenya,” Journal of Human Resources, 43(2008): 511-552.
Bridging the Relational-Regulatory Gap: A Pragmatic Information Policy for Patient Safety and Medical Malpractice
Sage, W, J Graff Zivin, and N Chase, “Bridging the Relational-Regulatory Gap: A Pragmatic Information Policy for Patient Safety and Medical Malpractice,” Vanderbilt Law Review, 59(2006): 1263-1308.
Ensuring a Safe Food Supply: The Importance of Heterogeneity
Graff Zivin J, “Ensuring a Safe Food Supply: The Importance of Heterogeneity,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, 4(2006).
To Err on Humans is Not Benign: Incentives for Adoption of Medical Error Reporting Systems
Graff Zivin, J and A Pfaff, “To Err on Humans is Not Benign: Incentives for Adoption of Medical Error Reporting Systems,” Journal of Health Economics, 23(2004): 935-949.
Modeling Health Insurance Expansions: Effects of Alternate Approaches
Remler, D, J Graff Zivin, and S Glied, “Modeling Health Insurance Expansions: Effects of Alternate Approaches,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 23(2004): 291-313.
Inside the Sausage Factory: Improving Estimates of the Effects of Health Insurance Expansion Proposals
Glied, S, D Remler and J Graff Zivin, “Inside the Sausage Factory: Improving Estimates of the Effects of Health Insurance Expansion Proposals,” Milbank Quarterly 80(2002): 603-635.
A Comparison of Policies to Reduce Pesticide Poisoning Combining Economic and Toxicological Data
Graff Zivin, J, and D Sunding, “A Comparison of Policies to Reduce Pesticide Poisoning Combining Economic and Toxicological Data,” in D Hall and J Moffit (Eds.), Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources: Economics of Pesticides, Sustainable Food Production and Organic Food Markets, Volume 4, Elsevier Science Ltd., New York, NY 2002.