Acute Skin Toxicity-Related, Out-of-Pocket Expenses in Patients with Breast Cancer Treated with External Beam Radiotherapy
Schnur, J, J Graff Zivin, D Mattson, S Green, L Jandorf, AG Wernicke, and G Montgomery, “Acute Skin Toxicity-Related, Out-of-Pocket Expenses in Patients with Breast Cancer Treated with External Beam Radiotherapy” Supportive Care Cancer, 20(2012): 3105-3113.
The Intended and Unintended Effects of U.S. Agricultural and Biotechnology Policies
Graff Zivin, J and J Perloff (Eds.). The Intended and Unintended Effects of U.S. Agricultural and Biotechnology Policies. The University of Chicago Press, March 2012.
The Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge across Time and Space: Evidence from Professional Transitions for the Superstars of Medicine
Azoulay, P, J Graff Zivin, and B Sampat, “The Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge across Time and Space: Evidence from Professional Transitions for the Superstars of Medicine,” in The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity: A New Agenda, J Lerner and S Stern (Eds.), April 2012.
Understanding the Solar Home Price Premium: Electricity Generation and ‘Green’ Social Status
Dastrup, S, J Graff Zivin, D Costa, and M Kahn, “Understanding the Solar Home Price Premium: Electricity Generation and ‘Green’ Social Status.” European Economic Review, 56(2012): 961-973.
Behavioral Responses of Patients in AIDS Treatment Programs: Sexual Behavior in Kenya
Thirumurthy, H, C Pop-Eleches, J Habyarimana, M Goldstein, and J Graff Zivin “Behavioral Responses of Patients in AIDS Treatment Programs: Sexual Behavior in Kenya" Forum for Health Economics and Policy, 15(2012): 1-29.
Incentives and Creativity: Evidence from the Howard Hughes Medical Investigator Program
Azoulay, P, J Graff Zivin, and G Manso, “Incentives and Creativity: Evidence from the Howard Hughes Medical Investigator Program” The RAND Journal of Economics, 42(2011): 527-554.
Water Quality Violations and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from Bottled Water Consumption
Graff Zivin, J, M Neidell, and W Schlenker, "Water Quality Violations and Avoidance Behavior: Evidence from Bottled Water Consumption" American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 101(2011): 448-453.
Mobile Phone Technologies Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in Resource-Limited Settings: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Text Message Reminders
Pop-Eleches C, H Thirumurthy, J Habyarimana, J Graff Zivin, M Goldstein, D de Walque, L MacKeen, J Haberer, J Sidle, D Ngare, and D Bangsberg, “Mobile Phone Technologies Improve Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in Resource-Limited Settings: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Text Message Reminders,” AIDS, 25(2011): 825-834.
Economic Effects of Pharmacists on Health Outcomes in the United States: A Systematic Review
Chisholm-Burns, MA, J Graff Zivin, JK Lee, C Spivey, M Slack, R Herrier, E Hall-Lipsy, I Abraham, and J Palmer, “Economic Effects of Pharmacists on Health Outcomes in the United States: A Systematic Review,” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 67(2010): 1624-1634.
U.S. Pharmacists' Effects as Team Members on Patient Care: Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses
Chisholm-Burns MA, JK Lee, CA Spivey, M Slack, R Herrier, E Hall-Lipsy, J Graff Zivin, I Abraham, J Palmer, JR Martin, S Kramer, and T Wunz, “U.S. Pharmacists' Effects as Team Members on Patient Care: Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses,” Medical Care, 48(2010): 923-933.
The Household Impacts of Treating HIV/AIDS in Developing Countries
Goldstein M, J Graff Zivin and H Thirumurthy, “The Household Impacts of Treating HIV/AIDS in Developing Countries,” in Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2009: People, Politics, and Globalization, YL Justin, and B Pleskovic (Eds.), World Bank Publications, June 2010.
Superstar Extinction
Azoulay, P, J Graff Zivin, J Wang “Superstar Extinction,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 25(2010): 549-589.
Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of a Health Care Provider-Directed Intervention to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening
Shankaran V, TH Luu, N Nonzee, E Richey, J McKoy, J Graff Zivin, A Ashford, R Lantigua, H Frucht, M Scoppettone, CL Bennett, and S Sheinfeld Gorin, “Costs and Cost-Effectiveness of a Health Care Provider-Directed Intervention to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening” Journal of Clinical Oncology, 27( 2009): 5370-5375.
Treatment Uncertainty and Irreversibility in Medical Care: Implications for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Graff Zivin J, M Neidell, and L Feldman, “Treatment Uncertainty and Irreversibility in Medical Care: Implications for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,” in The Economics of New Health Technologies - Incentives, Organization and Financing, J Costa-Font, C Courbage, and A McGuire (Eds.), Oxford University Press, June 2009.
Days of Haze: Environmental Information Disclosure and Intertemporal Avoidance Behavior
Graff Zivin, J and M Neidell, “Days of Haze: Environmental Information Disclosure and Intertemporal Avoidance Behavior,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 58(2009): 119-128.
AIDS Treatment and Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Children’s Nutrition and Schooling in Kenya
Graff Zivin, J, H Thirumurthy, and M Goldstein, “AIDS Treatment and Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Children’s Nutrition and Schooling in Kenya,” Journal of Public Economics, 93(2009): 1008-1015.
ARV Treatment and Time Allocation to Household Tasks: Evidence from Kenya
d’Adda, G, M Goldstein, J Graff Zivin, M Nangami, and H Thirumurthy, “ARV Treatment and Time Allocation to Household Tasks: Evidence from Kenya,” African Development Review, 21(2009): 180-208.
Medical Technology Adoption, Uncertainty, and Irreversibilities: Is a Bird in the Hand Really Worth More than the Bush?
Graff Zivin, J and M Neidell, “Medical Technology Adoption, Uncertainty, and Irreversibilities: Is a Bird in the Hand Really Worth More than the Bush?” Health Economics, 19(2010): 142-153.
The Economic Impact of AIDS Treatment: Labor Supply in Western Kenya
Thirumurthy H, J Graff Zivin and M Goldstein, “The Economic Impact of AIDS Treatment: Labor Supply in Western Kenya,” Journal of Human Resources, 43(2008): 511-552.
Poverty, Risk, and the Adoption of Soil Carbon Sequestration
Graff Zivin J and L Lipper, “Poverty, Risk, and the Adoption of Soil Carbon Sequestration,” Environment and Development Economics, 13(2008): 353-373.